Well, Bob the cat was in a cattery over Christmas while I was off being ill in the Med so he had his Christmas when I came back. I know he's a cat and as such Christmas probably means very little to him other than his house gets invaded by a sparkly tree but he's my cat and so he gets presents, despite the fact that he never gets me anything!

So, first I gave Bob his stocking, which he sniffed expectantly and patted experiementally with his paw. When we had ascertained that it was dead and was not going to a) run away or b) attack we could proceed with the goodies. First, new ping pong balls. Bob loves these but gets through loads of them as either they get lost under furniture to be rediscovered on hoovering (and sometimes hoovered up) or I sometimes tread on them which takes the ping outta them.

The ping pong balls having been approved (and one immediately lost under the sofa) the next thing out of the stocking was some treats. Now, given half a chance Bob would scoff the lot but I made him have only a couple like a good boy to save room for his Gourmet cat food which was in the stocking also (and a big hit - very clean dish!).

The last thing in the stocking were toy mice and not just ordinary ones but cat nip ones. Once Bob got one whiff of these he was in catty heaven and I could get no sense out of him. So that was Bob's Christmas - food, toys and drugs! What feline could ask for anything more?
Mister Bob gots a stocking too?
We gots one - all the way from Dazey in Mericky...Mum says that is a long way away.......
I likes pingpong balls what have still got their ping in 'em...
Charlie! Get away from that computer!!
Sorry, hon.......
I'm glad Bob liked his stocking.....great photos of the fella.
We must see when we are getting together again........it's been AGES (well, before Christmas!)
btw - I wish I had been cool enough to have bought your present in LIGHT of your meme - but it really was an honest mistake.......at least they are nice :-)
Food, toys and drugs ... sounds like the perfect gift for just about anyone. Well, maybe not the drugs ... I suppose you could exchange that for alcohol which is a drug of sorts. Brandy in your eggnog, anyone?
Glad you are feeling better and made it home safely to Bob.
Bob is so adorable...He is a Tuxedo Cat...DARLING! I love his tree and his stocking with all those goodies...the Rewards for being sent away to a cattery! (lol)
Toys,. Food & Drugs---Sounds pretty good to me, too!
Bob is one handsome Dude...! (lol) He looks so young, too...What a wonderful kitty you have BK!
Love those Sugar Plum ornaments, too!
He never gets you anything? Well, true, he doesn't buy anything - but - he gives you love and shows gratitude and depends on you. Isn't that gift enough?
Here from Michele.
Oh, yes, those catnip filled mice... the tails last about five minutes around here. Willow takes the red one and puts it in the water bowl and then the food bowl. Our cats are strange enough without the catnip!
Happy New Year!
Hello...Michele sent me.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to You And "Bob The Beautiful"...May 2007 be a fabulous year, dear Bob-Kat! See you next year, my dear!
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