I have unwittingly walked into a meme trap! I innocently went to visit the Dachsies at 'Dachsies rule' to find that by reading the post I was effectively tagged! Anyway, this is not a tricky one and kind of fun being Christmas an' all so here goes:
The Rules: The player of this game starts with "3 things he/she would love to get for Christmas" and also has to list "3 things he/she definitely does not want to get for Christmas". Then he/she tags 5 friends and list their names. The ones who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. And the one who tags need to leave a comment that says "you've been Christmas tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
So, I would like the following for Christmas...
Firstly I would like an SLR digital camera so that I can improve my photography. It will give me more scope to experiment and do something I truly enjoy doing.
Secondly, I would like my life to be back on an even keel. It's getting there though.
Thirdly, I would like the ability to come up with those great things to say at the time they need to be said - not after the event!
I definitely don't want the following...
Clothes - It's not that I have too many but unless I try it on myself I can guarantee it won't fit me properly. What shape do these retailers think real women are anyway? I can certainly tell them that very few of us are over six feet tall with legs up to our armpits and a waist you can get your hands around!
Coasters - I now have five sets of coasters so please no more!
Bad news - Not in any form to do with anything. Peace and goodwill to all men is the order of the day. In fact it would be nice to have that for Christmas for everyone.
I don't tag people but if you would like to do this then please feel free and tell me so I can come and take a look :-)
I like the picture of the Christmas tree. I was out shopping today and brought one back home. I noticed in New York they are already in those stretchy bags, so you can buy one there but don't know what it looks like until you get it home!
I'll think about the 3+3 as a possible future post.
And Hi, here today from Michele's. And ps I've put up some NYC pictures too.
Thanks for being a good sport. We wouldn't have told on you. Darn ... no coasters ... what to do, what to do.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Michele sent me over, Bob-kat.
I was at Rashbre's blog earlier and he's got some nice pictures of NYC also. I sure do love that picture of the snake you took at the Bronx Zoo. I've been thinking of that one ever since you posted it.
I applaud your interest in the dSLR, Bob-kat. I was thinking of buying one earlier this year but finally decided not to due to my glasses. Since you have to put your eye up to the viewfinder it's not as easy to use with glasses. The dSLRs are so sexy though!
Best of luck to you on the even keeled life. That's definitely something to aim for!
Don't you just hate Meme-Traps? :-) And tagged by dogs? :-)
Good answers though, and so far I don't have to ditch any of your gift! :-)
Great answers there bob-kat. I too am not a big meme fan, especially ones that trap you! Urgh. Like you, I think I am aiming in the future to get a digital SLR camera. How nice would that be? I do like my little Sony Cybershot though - I generally get good results.
By all means, Bob-kat, feel free to add me to your blogroll. I'd love to be there. And good luck with that camera. Are you enchanted by any particular one?
Good meme. I agree with your choices, especially no coasters! No one can buy clothes for me except me.
I don't want bad news either! Kind of funny about the coasters, though...I wonder why people keep giving them to you? ha ha
They must use different model numbers in the UK, B-K. Here in the states the 300D has been discontinued for years. The 300D and it's replacements, the 350D and 400D, are the standard for consumer priced dSLRs so I'm sure you'll be happy with it.
Another nice thing about the digital SLRs is that they're sized better for smaller female hands. I hope Santa appreciates you!
Beautiful Tree, first of all, and an interesting meme, too!
I am not sure I want to do it myself, but I like your answers...particularly that first one of your "wish" list...Me Too!
I want a certain Pentax Digital SLR...
No coasters, you say? LOL!
Peace On Earth, YES!!!
This was a nice, short and precise meme. I liked it and I liked your answers!
I am busy, busy, otherwise I might have...
gotten you coasters, lol!
I'm not sure who thinks coasters make great gifts. Granted, we don't have coasters in this house, but through plenty of trial and error, we've come to the conclusion that coasters just don't say "love".
I hope you get the camera, Bobkat, as you definitely would make good use of it. You always have a terrific eye for the perfect photo.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll, Bob-kat!
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