While I was in New York I absolutely had to visit Central Park. I walked accross it on my first full day in Manhatten but that was only a small taster that left me wanting to explore some more. The second view I got of the park was from the top of the Empire State Building when I could see what a vast expanse it was! I checked on Wikipedia and it covers 843 acres of what is definitely prime real estate land so it is a testament to NYC that the park is still there. The picture above is looking across the pond towards 5th Avenue. I thought it was a wonderful contrast between the nature in the park and the man made modern buildings which soured up around the edge of the park, all standing tall and to attention almost like they are guarding the perimeter!

You can also see soem of the buildings in the background of the photo above. I did most of my exploring of the park on my last day there and happily I was blessed with a fantastically sunny day as you can see from the photos. I love that the park is used so much and apparently it is the most visited park in the US with over 25 million visitors a year!

The picture above is of the bridge which crosses the pond in the part of the park near 5th and 59th street and this bridge has appeared in a lot of movies though I can't think of one right now! Behind the bridge is one of the parks ice rinks. The park has areas given over to activities such as Sheep Meadow which is a playing field, childrens playgrounds, doggie playgrounds (yes, it's true and a great idea!), jogging routes, a pavillion for chess and checkers and a zoo of course (a la Madagascar).

This next photo above is another view of the pond, it was such a beautiful and picturesque area of the park. I also visited Strawberry Fields while I was there but that is when the battery in my camera decided to give up on me! The photo below is of another wide path in the park and there were many people out enjoying the sunny day.

The last picture is one I took because I loved the colours in it and wanted to share it with you even though it's quite a 'messy' photo composition wise. The deep red of the maple leaves was absolutely stunning against the clear blue sky and the green of the other tress around it and I hope you get this impression too. Anyway, I enjoyed Central Park immensely, it really is a natural haven in an urban metropolis.
When I was there last August, I didn't get to much of the park, but I did see Strawberry Fields and the Lennon mosaic plaque. One of the best photos I took was near there, and of a pond covered in green algae, but even so, It was beautiful! Such an oasis in the heart of a bustling city. You wrote about it so well, Bob-kat!
Oops, Michele sent me. I got so enraptured looking at your photos that I forgot to say that!
These are some pretty photos. I shall be in New York in about a week's time so this is great reconnaisance of the weather!
I also love New York and just wandering around, although this time I will only really have part of next Sunday and next Monday to myself!
Here via Michele's!
Wow, you really got some spectacular pictures - nice!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures of the park....I tell you these pictures and all the previous ones too make me Sooooo nostalgic for my 'home town'...not that I could ever live there anymore, but....you have captured so much of the "feel" of the city....and it's beauty...Can't wait to see what else you saw!
Can I come with you next time??
Huh? Huh?
Ooh, I love these images and reflections of the park. When I stayed there in Sept., I was only two blocks away from the park's southwestern tip. But I was so busy with my conference that I didn't get to take a walk there. It was on my agenda...I just never got away.
Next visit...
Until then, I can content myself with your excellent entry here.
I have never been to New York City, but your photos make me want to jump onto a plane right now to see it for myself. You have such an eye for good scenes. It never fails to amaze me how talented a photographer you are!
Oops! I forgot to give you your gift! I hope you like it!
Something to help you remember New York City
You're right. I never really thought about it, but it is a testament to the city that its still there.
I have never been there but I know I would enjoy a visit! Oh, Central Park. It looks beautiful, you took great pics (remember to always carry an extra set of batteries with you!)
That's such a lovely and interesting place and so big ! Your photos are beautiful.
I "redescovered" your blog on my cat blog and wanted to ask you if you would like to participate on "Cats on tuesday". It's for all cat owners who wish to post once a week a picture or story about their cats. You can find more info on my blog.
Nice photos - Central Park is pretty cool.
Ben O.
Thanks for the visit my dear....
Most of the time the Agave flowers are a very rich yellow and they are huge...I don't remember what thos one will be because it is such a long time since one of these has flowered in my garden...!
These pictures of yours are so wonderful Bob-Kat....it is so wonderful to see them again and again....!
Michele sent me, Bob-kat.
I grew up in upstate NY so I'd occasionally get down to NYC and wander around. Central Park is such a great place to explore as a kid. So many people and things to do and see. Your pictures are a lovely reminder of the park for me. I've not seen it in 15 years.
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