I am busy busy busy and the weather has been yuk yuk yukky so I am afraid I haven't been anywhere interesting to share with you unless you really want to see the local supermarket! Don't get me wrong, I love winter when it's cold and bright but this time of year in the UK can be miserable. The days are short, the nights are long, the sky seems to be permanently grey and the air is damp. It seems to be always raining, it's ages since Christmas and summer seems to be so far away.
This is why I always watch for the first signs that spring is on its way. I love watching the spring flowers start to push their way through the hard earth and I have some daffodils that are just little green shoots at the moment. As they get taller, the days get longer and spring gets closer. Until then though, I like to have flowers in my home. Over Christmas I had a poinsettia and a flowering cactus and then just when I thought I would be without flowers one of my orchids burst into many little purple flowers. I think they are gorgeous.
Your orchids are stunning! Such a beautiful plant. I also have a flowering cactus for winter and love it. I still have one poinsetta - it's still alive so I can't bear to throw it away. It's a hardy little thing! I usually manage to kill most of plants. SIGH
They are INDEED Gorgeous, my dear B-K. Really beautiful...And that has to be very "cheering" during the yukky weather...! Someone gave me some Amyrillus Bulbs for Christmas, and a couple of them are getting ready to flower fairly soon...I am documenting this of course! (lol) Never have watched this first hand-day-to-day before. It's exciting!
They are lovely... and the archway of the castle is gorgeous.. I am a sucker for archways.
What kind of new camera did you have again? Oh, please say it is a Canon Digital Rebel xti... of course then I shall have to go looking for neat things to shoot around here as well. At least something besides cats.
I also love orchids, they have the most interesting little faces!
Beautiful dendrobium orchids, in my favorite color for them!
Orchids are indeed my pet's favorite flower. Your's are fantastic!
The same type of weather patterns are moving here as well. The sky has been gray with a mixture of cold wind and freezing rain. It's been so delightful. :/
Spring will come soon! It has to...because your flowers bloomed! ;)
They are GORGEOUS.So full of life.And colour.I always feel hapy when a new flower blooms in my garden.Makes me want to paint.
the orchids r awesome!!thanks for leaving a sweet comment on my post..the climate is yucky here too.. me too waiting for spring cos i love spring!!!
Such lovely flowers with such beautiful color! We are not so lucky. Our Christmas cactus is all bloomed out and everything else in non-blooming.
Come visit soon. We made an entry especially for you!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
That is a wonderful picture for the colors, B-K. I love the flowers too but it's the color that gets to me.
We've had such a warm winter here with a current cold snap that my bulbs have been fooled into thinking it's time to come up. They're doing it a month early and I suspect they're gonna be sorry--and so will I.
Glad to see that the DSLR is getting a workout!
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