How does one handle work, home and family (or a combination thereof) without having a nervous breakdown?
This is the question currently being posed at Blog Fodder by Melonie, over at The Joy of Being Melonie.
Well, I do work full-time, currently in the field of scoping and developing a new Strategy for the organisation I work for. I also have a home and there is always something that needs doing - cleaning, laundry, cooking, shopping, more cleaning and tidying... but I don't have children. I do have a cat but other than being at his constant beck and call (or so he'd like to think), he just requires grooming, feeding and a clean litter tray.
However on top of work, I am also a part-time student with the Open University doing my Masters in Business Administration. I have been studying for 3 years now and some days I wonder if it is worth the trouble, especially when I come home from work and feel tired only to see the books on my desk at home. On a bad day it can make my heart sink. The weekends can be difficult too, especially when I have a deadline for a report or essay. If it's a nice day then I am stuck inside feeling like a petulant teenager being asked to do my homework! Sometimes I find myself procrastinating. All of a sudden the big pile of laundry seems preferable to studying, and then I'll just put those papers away and feed the birds... you know how it is!
However, I know that the studying will be worth it. Already I have been able to apply things I have learnt to my work and have been awarded several bonuses. It has helped my to develop a wider view of business so that I can see beyond the immediate issue and can appreciate the persepctive of other functions. It has developed my appreciation of creative thought in problem solving, about the different ways people learn and work together and the implications for leadership. It has bought home to me the contradictions inherent in running a business and managing people.
I have already gained a Post Graduate Certificate in Management (with distinction!) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business along the way. I have enjoyed meeting other people from other organisations at the tutorials - some I have struck up an instant comradship with, one or two were just irritating. However, most of all, studying has taught me the value of my time. I appreciate the free time I have to do what I want to do more than ever. After all, all work and no play makes Bob-kat a dull person so I practice the "5 P's": Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance". Or at least I try to!
hey BOB,
i think college days r the best ever.. cos i really miss those days n am planning to actually go back to college.. so though books r kinda boring at times, rnjoy every moment of it.. for i can bet ur gonna miss it down the lane..
good year
I was never a "school" person...the only time I really looked forward to School was the two years of Drama School, and of course subsequent classes, etc. I think it's great that you have gotten so much out of schooling times...And Congrats on the certificates, etc.
Good for you Bobkat!
What I'm reading in this blog are the musings of someone who has their head on straight.
Of course you hate school. It gets in the way of "life". Of course you love school, it expands your mind and creates moments of satisfaction otherwise impossible to attain. Yep, you sound like a student who is looking at this education gig from a pretty ballanced and realistic perspective.
Good for you - it will pay off!
Prior planning is not always easy to follow, is it? I can plan and plan, but then it is so easy to chuck it all and do what I want...LOL
bob-kat,I can relate to what you wrote.I have several academic degrees, the last one being a masters in sociology, which I acquired just last year(got a first class--all others I've got distinction.)--and I have two kids as well--so all three of us, used to sit down together and do homework! They loved it that their mom too has homework,and exams just like them.People wonder why I 'collect' these degrees, and why I study.For me this quest to learn seems insatiable..And on the days that you wonder--yes,sometimes I had those too, but in the end it IS worth the effort.
Later when I thought about it I realised that I forgot to add, that the best education I ever received was not given by any academic degree.It is the University of LIFE that is the best teacher.I learnt so much, the day I became a parent...and I continue learning through my children.
Hi, Michele sent me, I don't envy you doing full time work & an OU degree. I tried a few years ago but found it's just not really feasible in my line of work.
It's very difficult to juggle all of those things - regardless of whether you have children or not. Sounds like you've accomplished so much in your life and have quite a bit to be proud of!
Michele sent me today. Have a great day!
Welcome to Blog Fodder!
It was well into the fall semester of her Junior year before my daughter learned the five P's. Up till then she was smart enough to wait until the last minute, then crank out the papers and still get A's. But that Junior year when the harder courses start crashing and thrashing about... now she knows.
A busy life, but then they always say 'if you want something done, ask a busy person!'
Here from Michele's.
I would say you are on the right track and I commend you for it. Well done young man!
BTW Michele sent me.
They should really teach the 5 P's in high school. Maybe then I could plan better!
Here from Michele's
You're absolute proof that all the investment and stress is worth it. You're building a great foundation for your future, and you have every right to be proud of your dedication and sacrifice.
Wish I knew the answer to 'multitasking' like that. I have enough difficulty singletasking!
Michele sent me here.
I'm not sure I'd want to work full time and school at the same time. But for those who can do it, my hat's off to y'all. It will totally be worth it when you're done...
Here via Michele's today!
You sound very busy! I don't do the school part but I do have 3 kids & a full time job. I have no life however which makes it much easier but not particularly entertaining...lol.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Michele sent me over this time, B-K.
I earned an MBA via evening classes also. It did make for long nights and difficult weekends but I agree with you, it's worth it in the long run. Congratulations on your achievement so far on your road--even before you have the grad degree you've received a lot of awards plus recognition at work. That's pretty impressive, B-K.
Or, Piss Poor Planning Promotes Panic. Seriously, good luck with your studying. I'm sure it will be worth it and what a great accomplishment.
I know where you're coming from! I have a full time job, a house in total disarray, a husband who play internet poker too much, and I'm trying to make a living at Avon. I haven't been lucky enough to learn your lesson about time on my own but I'm going to take what you siad to heart! Thanks!
Juggling? Just like being a parent? Not only do you have to juggle being a lover/friend to your partner but also a mother/friend to your child and a health advisor, cook, banker etc., Being a student is a big combination of other things and also as enjoyable as being a parent. Enjoy and capture every moment Bob-Kat. I've been both a student and a parent and both are on different paths so I can't compare.
you can "plan" all you want but in the end you just have to take things a day at a timeand see how they go.
Michele sent me
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