So, now it's 2007 and I'm still wondering where 2006 went, although, I must admit I'm not sorry to see it go and am looking forward to a better year. It's funny how an arbitary point in time can make us take stock of where we are, but I think it is important that we do, so we can move on.
A lot happened to me in 2006, some good but on the whole it was not a good year. I was diagnosed with multiple fibroid tumours (thankfully benign but it was scary for a while) and had surgery twice. Thankfully the second procedure made me a hell of a lot better and the anaemia and crippling pain has stopped. In the summer I had a nasty fall and badly hurt both feet. I could barely walk and limped for a good few weeks and one foot still hurts in the cold (A friend says it's likely I fractured my big toe). Last year also saw the end of my marriage after 14 years of being together, and it was one hell of a wrench. Even though it was the right thing to do it was still a painful process, teasing the strands of our lives apart. There are still things about him that I miss though, despite his behaviour that eventually left things very strained between us. I thank each of my friends that were there to listen to me and support me.
There were some good things too. I started to blog, partly as an anecdote for what was going on in my life. I met a new man who is kind and generous, though we are still feeling the way ahead things are looking positive. The surgery has left me feeling so much better (though it looks like there will be more this year). I also started to travel again which has pleased me more than anything else. After years of going nowhere much I have recently been to New York and Spain. Money is tight but I am determined to continue travelling and am already saving for my next trip. And now I have my new dSLR that I am looking forward to getting to grips with. So, on the whole I am positive about the coming year. I don't make resolutions but I have some intentions and these are:
- To get fit again
- To sort my home out including the empty room that has become a dumping ground.
- To travel (at least one trip)
- To improve my photography
- To catch up with old friends
I love that picture - it's very inspiring. I hope 2007 is wonderful you. You certainly did have quite a 2006, but with your great attitude I know things will be great for you this year.
*whew* I had no idea you'd had such a hard time in 2006, BK. No wonder you have high hopes for 2007. I hope things work out well for you and your guy and that your need for surgery will soon be behind you.
Good luck with achieving your goals and putting 2006 behind you! I do believe it's a year that both of us are glad to see the back of!
Here's hoping that 2007 is better for all of us!
Like others have said before me, I hadn't known so much had happened to you this past year. As someone once said to me: Strength is a pesky resource that we never think we have until its need arises, and it is then that we find we have more than enough. May 2007 bring you much happiness and renewed vigor!
Sounds like you had a tough 2006....mine wasn't nearly as bad but I am with you in hoping 2007 will be better!
The journey is always surprising isn't it?..I started my blog in 2006 too...it has changed my life!!!NOTHING can be better than the love of someone you love!..I wish you every happiness in 2007..you deserve it!!!!!!!!
Your "intentions" sound so very do-able, Bob-Kat! I think that is wonderful...I hope your 2007 will be filled with great good health and much happiness, to, AND, a trip or two, as well!
I will pray for a better 2007 for you. I was blessed this past year on many fronts: I got to meet you, which was a blessing indeed.
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