Obviously this procedure angered Hector the lump. He's still a little sore and afterwards it was painful to swallow. Harumph. Note to self, the pain scale that doctors use is way different to that of the general populace.
Unfortunately, the ultrasound has confirmed that Hector is not a simple cyst but that it is a hard sizeable nodule. The next step is to get the cytology results back so we know what kind of cells it is made of. This leaves me with two options:
Rock: The Hector nodule is made of normal follicular cells and I go in for surgery in January to have it removed along with half my thyroid.
Hard Place: The Hector nodule is made from ‘suspicious cells’ and I go in for surgery and potentially have the whole thyroid removed, possibly followed by radio-isotope therapy and then go onto hormone therapy for the rest of my life.
This news left me a bit subdued. I was hoping for the most likely and the simplest to cure option of a cyst. Neither option thrills me. I hate hospitals and the prospect of staying in one with ill people and where I must sleep in the same room as strangers fills me with quiet dread.
I find out the cytology results next week. Until then I find it hard to get my head around Hector being anything else but benign. That kind of thing only happens to other people, right?
Fingers crossed here for some good news ...
That is intimidating news, BK. I certainly hope that it turns out to be normal follicular cells. Having half a thyroid is a lot better than none. I hope that your first holiday gift is good news from the doctor.
Hang in there. If you aren't already on a low-glycemic diet, you may want to give it a try. It's supposed to help inflammatory conditions and it sure can't hurt anything.
I hope you get good news from the lab.
What can I say to make you feel better? Just think positively and hope for the best and go out and take some beautiful pictures to keep yourself busy. You might want to check out this post to find some things that make you feel good :)
Good Evening Bobkat,
NetChick sent me,
hello :-D
praying for your health, and that Hector will make a gracious and quiet exit, pronto!
Oh, Bob-kat, we all need some good news here. I'm with Dave, and I'm hoping for the best.
Hope everything is okay for you.
NetChick sent me this way.
BK, sorry to hear that. Hopefully you know you've got folks praying for the best outcome for you. Sending positive vibes across the pond to you.....
Poor you. I agree medical things can be a bit yuk. My fingers are crossed.
Oh My Dear....! You will be glad when this year is over, I know!
I am praying for the simplest of answers where those cells are concerned. I am Sooo with you on the Hospital Thing....I too hate them and it all fills me with dread, too....(Especially in my present Lung Condiion....)
And as to doctors telling you "It's nothing" regarding painj.....They don't know because they have never had any of these proceedures!!! My dentist would say...Oh it's nothing...And I always asked him..DID YOU EVER HAVE ONE PF THESE? The answer: NO!
So, in truth, the patient knows much more about the pain of things than almost any doctor...!
And guess what, my dear....Netchick sent me....! The Tradition Continues....!
Okay, hopefully the outcome is far better than you think, and it's only a cyst. Having thyroid issues myself, (but not to the point of those kind of tests eww) I know what a pain that area can be when it goes sideways.
Your photo made me laugh tho. Glad you've still got your sense of humor through this.
Hugs... I sent myself today. Thanks for playing along with the Meet n' Greet!
Hey Sweetie - NetChick sent me to say hey! :-)
This takes me back to the day the doctor told me they suspected uterine or ovarian cancer...and the ensuing awful waiting and decision-making.
I agree with Dave, half a thyroid is better than no thyroid - and this might explain all your recent problems!
I'm sending you oodles of love and stuff, and will be doling out free hugs and sturdy shoulders on Monday night :-)
NetChick sent me to say hello and I'm happy to stop by your blog. I'm sorry to hear about your health problem and will be thinking of you and hoping it turns out well.
That is a funny photo but scary post - I hope things all work out for the best, and soon. Hang in there, and good luck!
Oh my goodness. My thoughts are with you my dear friend...
(And I hate it when drs say oh it's not as bad as...etc., etc., because a lot of the time it is worse so I doubt I believe them any more! Lol!!)
((hugs)) and fingers crossed for you.
Hoping for good news for you...!!
and keeping my fingers crossed.
Ack... I'm sorry to hear about the news, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for more positive news.
I think what the Docs mean is that it won't be painful for them!
My thoughts are with you...Keep positive thoughts...and I am sure all of us, are sending you some also...good vibes can only help!!...
I'm sorry the outlook is not as simple as we all hoped, but I'm still praying for good health and a swift kick to Hector's hindquarters. ;-)
You might be comforted to read Foo's experience at this site.
Well...i think the guys sign should perhaps include kicking 'Hector' out of the picture..(figuratively speaking!).I'm hoping and praying that this particular ball of wool comes undone easily so you can move on!
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