I always like looking at my photos after a return from a holiday; they always evoke feelings of well being and have been an antidote to coming home where it has done little more than be grey and wet which has been fitting for the sombre mood of grief that envelopes my family but does little to lift the spirit.
One thing that has been a lift is that Shephard has awarded me for the 'Nice Matters' award.

I am extremely flattered as this award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Coming from Shephard this is indeed a great compliment and I do always try to be nice though as I think there is enough unpleasantness in the world as there is. My grand mother always said, if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.
Soooo, I will pass the award onto Kross Eyed Kitty, Melody, RS of Musings from the Hinterland, Sarch, CrazieQueen, Breadbox and Rashbre and especially Mar of Maremagnum. (I know that is one more but I really must bend the rules for the wonderful Mar, who I thought had already been awarded this award but hadn't). Each one of these people has been a great blog friend to me in some way and have especially offered their support at times when I needed it. In addition, the blogosphere is a better place for their inhabiting it. There are many more of you that I would like to give this to. I have not overlooked you but I am certain that you have or will receive this award soon. The blogosphere is a better place for you being here too in my opinion or you wouldn't be on my side bar.
Vienna photos to come soon!
Gosh. I am so very flattered! And today I was visiting here via Michele's as well.
I'm looking forward to the pix of Vienna - a wonderful place.
You are making me think of that strange viennese coffee with figs or something in it and my own personal quest to find the real version of the Blue Danube (a separate piece of scenic river in my opinion, set back from the official Donau).
And then there the viennese variant of the schwartztorte; yum.
All these food and drink references remind me I havn't had breakfast yet...
Thanks again for the nom.
Congratulations on the award - and good to see you back blogging ((hugs))
And you were correct in where I live - and you went uni here :) Three guesses where I work then! It's been a hard slog so am looking forward to some time off. And if I can tear Girlpants away from attempting to plaster the walls himself, then I may just show him your pictures of Vienna when they are up. Just a subtle hint mind...
Well done on your Award.
Looking through vacation pictures isn't easy!
Wow, Bobkat. Thanks! That's some heady company you've lumped me in with.
I hope you post the pictures of Vienna. One day, I'll get there. One day...
I am honored. Thank you.
There is so much tripe out there these days. It is fortunate that we are able to stumble upon the diamonds in the rough, such as your journal and others I check out regularly. I look forward to many years of reading your thoughts.
I have a dear friend in Vienna and I specially remember the wonderful Sacher Torte and the Wine Heuriger...ahh, wonderful memories. Can't wait to see your pictures!
Congrats on that beautiful award, Bog-kat! No, I haven't been awarded that one and I thank you for your special mention. And allow me to steal it and run just because today is my blogiversary and the award is exactly what my blog-soul needs to add to my buttons :) Thanks, my dear!
Congratulations my dear Bob-Kat, you are most deserving and Shephard knows what he is doing!! "Nice" does matter, and I so look forward to your visits and your always thoughtful and caring comments on my blog. You bring joy with you and a deep understanding of the human condition. Your friendship matters a great deal, to me. It is such a pretty Award, too, isn't it?
Can't wait to see your Vienna pictures. Always, your pictures mae me feel I have actually been wherever it is, with you! So, whenever you are ready to share them, my "virtual" bags are packed and ready to go with you....
Look at you, giving the award to more than 5 people. Genuinely nice of you (wink). Hope your day is cheery.
Thank you so much for the award Bob-Kat. It is a pleasure being a 'blog' friend of yours! And of course, you deserve the award yourself. Great to see you back too by the way. And great that my broadband is now back up to speed!! Yippee...
BK thanks for the nomination :) And congratulations on your win.
I am looking forward to seeing those pics of Vienna. You've got such a talent for "seeing" things in a way that is both beautiful and thought provoking.
I'm coming via Michelle but you know I would have been here anyway :)
Well, aren't you the luck one to have achieved THAT award!!! Congratulations from downunder!
I am looking forward to seeing the lovely sites of Vienna, as we missed going there a couple of years ago, it was on the early plans, but got ditched!!
Here from Michele's today, and WELL DONE!
burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog
Well, aren't you the luck one to have achieved THAT award!!! Congratulations from downunder!
I am looking forward to seeing the lovely sites of Vienna, as we missed going there a couple of years ago, it was on the early plans, but got ditched!!
Here from Michele's today, and WELL DONE!
burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog
Congratulations on your award. I will return for the pics of Vienna. I love that old song from Ultravox entiled "Vienna."
You truly deserve the nice award bob-kat--you are one of the nicest people I know.I agree 100% with what your grandmom used to say.That is my philosophy too.
hi Bob-kat.I will be staying in London in Grange city hotel upto 30th. After that we will be staying at Thistle barbican upto 3rd evening.It will be great if we could meet in person.You can call me at the hotel and ask to speak to Satish Shenoy (since the room is booked in his name) or Preeti Shenoy.
I look forward to seeing the pictures.
It is a place that I have always wanted to go to. I am sorry that it was under such sad circumstances
Congratulations on the award.
I know that you have lots to deal with, your mother, trying to accept your niece's death, etc.
I have found over the past year and a half that I've seriously been working with photos in Photoshop Elements that working with them is a great stress reliever for me. I hope working on your Vienna photos provides you with some peace.
Congratulations on the award, Bob-kat! It couldn't happen to a nicer person.
I totally agree with your award and especially the sentiment that our lives are that much richer and altogether better for having the ability to get to know such wonderful people .
congrats on ur award.. this blog is surely a nice place to visit :)
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