I got sent this quiz at work. It is basically a way of sharing some info about yourself in a quick and easy way, CrazieQueen has already done it on her blog. So if you want to learn more about me then read on...
1. What time did you get up this morning? 06:55.
2. Diamonds or Pearls? Diamonds for sure.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? New Rocky movie - it was genuinely enjoyable.
4. What is your favourite TV show? My Name is Earl currently.
5. What did you eat for breakfast? Raspberries & blueberries with yoghurt and a smoothie.
6. What foods do you dislike? Baked beans and mayo.
7. Your favourite potato chip? We call them crisps in the UK. It depends on my mood.
8. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Too many to mention but I have the Red Hot Chili Peppers in my car at the moment.
9. What kind of car do you drive? MX5 or Miata as it is known in the US.
10. Favourite sandwich? Smoked salmon with cream cheese and cracked black pepper.
11. What characteristics do you despise? Arrogance, selfishness and rudeness.
12. What are your favourite clothes? Black! Goes with everything.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Surely you're not going to try and make me choose? I want to go around the world!
14. What colour is your bathroom? Cream with sandstone coloured tiles.
15. Favourite brand of clothing? I have no preference
16. Favourite time of day? First thing in the morning when I wake up - before it dawns on me that I have to go to work...
17. Where would you want to retire to? Don't know - that's way off!
18. Favourite sport to watch? I'd rather participate.
19. Coke or Pepsi? Neither - water.
20. Are you a morning person or night owl? Both!
21. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I have a new zoom lens for my camera!
22. What did you want to be when you were little? Me (I've never really known what I wanted to do).
23. What is your best childhood memory? Christmas.
24. Nicknames? Bobkat (online) and there is a family one but that's personal!
25. Piercings? What about them? I have earrings.
26. Eye Colour? Green.
27. Favourite day of the week? Saturday
28. Favourite restaurant? Don't have one - variety is the spice of life.
29. Favourite ice cream? Haagan Daas.
30. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Tiffanys and Aston Martin. I wish!
31. Bedtime? What now?
32. What are you listening to right now? My cat snoring!
33. How many tattoos do you have? How many do you think I have?
34. Next film you'll see? Probably Hot Fuzz. A Bitish Comedy from the makers of 'Shaun of the Dead'
35. Tag anyone? I don't tag but anyone who wants to take the quiz and share a bit of info about themselves can feel free. Let me know and I'll come and take a look!
It's nice and quiet - the Americans are still snoozing. It got really mad over there last night. BTW Michelle sent me. I approve of your breakfast, I also have green eyes and have been round the world but am quite old!
I keep meanng to ask- where is the photo taken at the top of your blog? It's lovely!
I see we share similar tastes in favourite foods - cheesecake and sandwich filling. Hi!! Michele sent me!
Your cat snores? I love it! I had a Yorkie who snored and now I have a husband who snores. Somehow it was more relaxing to listen to the Yorkie.
Hi from Michelle
Hi, just snooping around your blog again! Your photogragpy is just amazing!
I'm going to do your quiz on my blog today. :)
Happy Saturday!
Now that's an interesting sandwich. I do love salmon..not sure on the smoked part. Now, come on. You have to give it up. Tell us about your tatoos. :)
We have so much in common (besides our hatred for beans!!). I wear black almost exclusively. Loved reading this!
You are an excellent photographer, and tell the story of the picture very well. I couldn't stop with the first post; I had to read all the way down, and plan to go back to your older posts. I am so glad you came to see me so that I found you!
I've done this particular quiz but I don't think it is on my blog...
Here from Micheles today, I always like to come over because you have such lovely pictures.
I'll play, too. My cat snores to beat the band. You can hear him from across the room. I think he has asthma or something!
Hi from Michele
Like your new blog look! Very cool! Over from GG's.
I like your reason for morning being your favorite time of day.
Here via Michele's
Not here from Michelles Bobkat...just making my usual rounds. How can you not like baked beans?! Not even if they have bacon in them?
This is a good oner B-K...I may do it...and then again...It is true that you do learn a lot about a person from these kinds of Questionaire Thingy's....
I always thought the Miata was a darling car....Very pretty! What color is yours?
Hagen Daz, YES! I hope part of your 'round the world' tour will include, Los Angeles! (lol)
Hehe...I have done this via email quite a few times... Good to read your answers.
I've not heard anything about Hot Fuzz, B-K, but I did like Shaun of the Dead.
Morning lovey! Bob snores?? Pandy snores too.....
Cat snoring is SO cute....
Good answers! :-)
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