The first award is a 'You make me smile' one and the second is for being a 'Super Commenter'. I can think of no greater compliment then someone telling you that you make them smile and that they appreciate your comments. Thank you Diane, it's a pleasure. For those of you who haven't met her yet I urge you to visit her blog 'Forks of the Moment'. She is a very talented writer and story teller with a quick wit, a wonderful sense of humour and a very down-to-earth attitude.
These awards couldn't have come at a better moment. I have been home most of the week with a nasty cold which has become a chest

It's ironic to get a 'Super Commenter' award when I haven't been doing much commenting this last week. I'm afraid I was feeling too ill to do anything but nap really but hope to visit you soon, sometime between coughing fits. For now, in true blogger form, I will pass on these awards to a few bloggers who make me smile and who I believe are super commenters. There appear to be no particular rules to accompany these awards so I'll award this to the following:
Randall of Musings from the Hinterland
Naomi of Here in the Hills
Kenju of Imagine...
Melody of Biglittlesister
Rashbre of Rashbre Central
Sarch of Sarch's Blog
Susan of West of Mars
Naomi of Here in the Hills
Kenju of Imagine...
Melody of Biglittlesister
Rashbre of Rashbre Central
Sarch of Sarch's Blog
Susan of West of Mars
I have no doubt that there are many more people whom I can give this award to but recently these people have regularly filled the criteria as I can always count on these kind folk, whom I have never met to drop by and comment and make me smile and they have all done so for some time now. Thank you. I still wonder what brings you back sometimes but I am very glad that you do return.
Oh, Thank you, dear Bob-Kat...! I dearly appreciate you awarding me these two Blog Awards....I'm glad that I make you laugh now and again, and that you enjoy my comments, as well...! I see I am in very good company, and that is lovely, too! I will visit the people I don;t know, right now, and thank you, my dear, with all my heart.
I don't like that your illness is now a chest infection....! I am quite familiar with those types of things...I hope you got an Anti-Biotic...! You don't want to fool around with an infection...but I'm sure you know that. Take Very Good Care Of Yourself, PLEASE! I send you Big Hugs.
Bob-Kat: Congrats and Well Deserved! Yes, I have long said that Diane is a Rock Star in my book!:)
Now, imagine my surprise!! Here I am far from home, but getting an award from afar! Thanks, Bob-kat. When I get back to my computer, I'll put up a link.
It ain't easy to type while hacking is it!?
Make sure to rest!!
thank you for all the kind things you said about me.
Thank you my friend...you're too kind :)
Did I mention that I sent you "good healing mojo" the other night. It takes a while to cross the ocean, but should soon get to you. Then you'll feel all better.
Hope you're keeping as comfortable as possible - take care of yourself so you'll get better real soon ok?
Owww *shucks*
Thanks for that BK. Nothing like an award to cheer one up. *heehee*
My Monet has had a nasty cough over the past few weeks - comes on at night and is driving me literally up the wall! I hope you too get better, I really do.
Yay - when I get back from paddling my canoe around the Canadian wilderness I will return to more regular visits.
Right now I've been walking around jingling with my bear bell inside my backpack to the mild amusement of shoppers in the busy city of Victoria.
Hey, BK, thanks for the shout-out. Congrats to you, as well. Hang in there and don't let the bastard bugs get you down.
It's great to receive something like that :) I hope you feel better soon!
Well deserved awards, both of them. Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving kind comments as well, even whey you're under the weather. Hope you're much better soon and finding your comfort zone in the new job!
Well, it's safe to say that I would not qualify for any sort of commenter award as I have been conspicuously absent from that part of blogging for some time. But perhaps I'll regain my passion after I re-enter the academic world...
Something has to get me moving again -
I hope you are feeling better my dear....In regard to that Flower Stalk on my blog: I've never seen anything like it either...And I've certainly seen some strange and very unusual flowers in my garden over these 22 years...But, this one was a FIRST for me! I must say, I really love that!
Bob-kat, I must be losing my feeble mind. Here I saw the post and left a comment, but it went right out of my head sometime between seeing it and returning home. I am sorry! I'll amend that post to mention you as well.
You are such a dear to have passed this one on to me. I'm busy writing up the thank-you post for it now.
Congratulations, Bob-kat!!! well deserved awards!
And I hope you are feeling much better now...!
"My family are as supportive as ever, i.e. they don't want to know as long as they are not affected by what is going on. As they say, you can't choose your family..."
So true. I hear you. :)
Hope you're feeling much better.
You make me smile with your amazing photographic eye. I love seeing your photos. :)
Thanks for the thought and now I'm back in the UK I'll get rashbre central tidied again. Tanks for your comments whilst I've been away - I didn't have much 'blogging time' for understandable reasons.
I hope 'your' bug has gone and that chicken soup or whatever remedy you chose has worked.
good choices on the awarding, I shal have to check them out AFTER i build my tree house and AFTER i celebrate my birthday.....
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