You Are: 20% Dog, 80% Cat |
You are are almost exactly like a cat. You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way. And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone! |
I'm still in the throes of finishing my final essay for my MBA. I found myself doing one or two of those silly quizzes while I had a well deserved coffee and the one above caught my eye. So just for fun I completed it as we all know how unscientific these things are! So, what are you?
Yeah, I can see you being a cat. Hell, your blog is named after one.
Apparently I'm 60% Dog, 40% Cat... which surprised me, I though I'd e more of a cat! :D
I've done a few quizzes in my day too. Some are better than others.
30% dog, 70% cat.
You and cats have a lot in common.
You're both smart and in charge - with a good amount of attitude.
However, you do have a very playful side that occasionally comes out!
Playful? Moi??
I got the same result as claire but I'm really surprised at that. I would have sworn I was mostly cat.
I don't know how I'm going to break this to the cats. Then again, they don't give a rat's ass as long as I feed them.
I am 20% dog and 80% cat. I thought I would have been about 50/50.
I'm 10% dog, 90% cat!!
LOL, LOL...Well, I'm 60% DOG and 40% CAT...(I'm not sure Sweetie will be too thrilled to hear
More cat damn it! 40% dog, 60% cat.
60/40 Cat Dog.
Strange, that. I hate cats.
40% dog, 60% cat. Not too sure whatb that means, but I'm ok with it.
Hope you're doing well.
40D60C for me, but I can see why you get the Hi Cat score! Meee-ow.
You'll be SHOCKED at my result I'm sure... 10% dog, 90% cat. Go figure. ;-)
Hmmm. The bias in this quiz is a bit obvious, and pretty inaccurate... it's as if it was written by someone who has never had a cat.
That said, I'm about half and half from the quiz's perspective. Interesting.
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